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Class F1 to Residential

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Hello !

Hope you are well.

We want to buy an old school that has been closed for a while and some land.

What are the first steps ? Shall we employ a planning consultant to put an application in OR an architect to draw up plans ? 

Or shall we get an architect to draw up plans and go for pre planning ?!


in short where do we start as we don’t have the property yet as we want to make sure we can get planning before we put an offer in !


Your expertise will be gratefully appreciated.

Many Thanks ! 

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Welcome 🙂

Obviously I am biased running a planning consultancy.

However the planning consultant is there to not only submit an application but to also let you know if the scheme is viable.

We offer two initial options.

1) a Zoom call with myself. This can be booked via

2) an appraisal with one of our consultants.

It may be a good idea to do both  - if the Zoom meeting confirms that it is viable, then the full appraisal will dig far deeper into local policy etc.

We fully credit back the cost of the Zoom call if you then use us for an application or appraisal.

If all is good then, a lot of the work is done for the application.

At that point you can employ an architect or use our inhouse architect to come up with a suitable scheme ready for the application.

if you go straight to the architect, whilst he might come up with a great scheme, if it is only going to remain as a great scheme, those funds are wasted.

Hope that all makes sense - we are here to help you.


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