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I'm baffled - the benefit of your experience, and point of view is appreciated, please!


Basically, my question is: In the greenbelt, does the 30% additions take precedence over the Larger Extensions via Prior Approval (Permitted Development)? Or can I still extend further?


Now for the context.....


I have a Planning Consultant but he says he isn't sure! Worrying!


Our house is in greenbelt. But not listed and not AONB. There are no conditions removing Permitted Development/Article 4 Directives.


The house has 2 previous extensions (under prior owners) with planning permission in 1978 (side, first floor addition, over existing/original ground floor) and 1993 (rear, double storey 3m deep and 50% of the width of the house). The house is now approx +80% from the original, so well exceeds the 30% permitted.


The 1993 extension at the rear was labelled as "double storey" but due to the catslide roof design, the first floor space is largely unusable due to head height. It is 3m deep and approx 50% of the width of the original house. This is where the only bathroom in the house is, and you have to bend to use the toilet, sink and bath.


After 18 months and 2 Planning Applications, we've at last been granted a dormer on the rear so we can stand up in the bathroom, by arguing Special Circumstances should permit an addition as the bathroom facilities are clearly inadequate for modern living.


I would like to add a single-storey rear extension to make a kitchen-diner. This would be by making the 1993 extension deeper (from the current 3m) to 7m TOTAL depth from the original rear wall of the house. This would be ground floor only. This is where the technical question comes in, as I can't find any reference in the guidance to circumstances where there is a pre-existing extension!


My neighbours on all sides are supportive. We are on a large plot so this would be nowhere close to 50% of the curtillage. The extension couldn't be seen by any neighbour or the road, and won't affect any neighbour's amenity.


Can I do this under the Prior Approval section of Permitted Development? 


The Council have made clear they will not approve any further planning applications, and refused our offer to achieve a kitchen extension by "offseting" by removing larger outbuildings on the property to reduce volume of built environment overall. 


Thank you for reading this far if you've stuck with it! All advice gratefully received.


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You do not have any restrictions as far as the green belt is concerned. 

So providing you are not in a conservation area, you can add a dormer, extensions, outbuildings etc. 

However for the expansion of the house, this would be on the original walls. If extensions already exist then if you extend those, the resultant extension must still comply with permitted development. 

If you need any further clarification, you might wish to book a Zoom session with myself and we can talk through your property as to what you can do under permitted development.




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