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Lawful development

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Posted (edited)


Upon looking to the future of selling my property, it appears I have a big issue! 
A garage and a couple small sheds were erected within the pd requirements with the former being 3 years ago but it now seems the original planning permission granted did not allow for any permitted development? 
(09. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that
Order with or without modification), no garages or outbuildings shall be erected
without the prior express grant of planning permission.
Reason: To ensure the continued viability of maintaining the property for its intended
use, in accordance with advice in Annexe A of PPS7.) 

How long does a building have to be in existence before it is no longer enforceable ?

To complicate further ( or may make a difference or not to the above) the permission was granted as an agricultural workers dwelling ( greenbelt) however we have been non compliant in this respect for over 10 years now as the business unfortunately failed. 

Thankyou in advance! 


Edited by John Taylor
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