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Chimney stack removal

Alice Prin

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I'm trying to figure out whether removing my chimney stack because it's not supported safely is a permitted development ? This concerns neither a conservation area nor listed building.

My impression is that it is permitted under Class G :

But I was confused to see it as an exception under class C : 

I'd be grateful for any advice on this one.

Thanks in advance


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@Alice Prin as a general rule you should be fine.

Each permitted development right operates individually.

Demolition in part 6 does not cover parts of a building as this would normally be considered alteration. 

Therefore I would say that Class G allows for removal as this would be an alteration. 

There have also been various appeals that have confirmed the same.

As a result unless Class G has been removed either via an Article 4 or a previous planning decision you should be good to go.


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