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Use Class E as studio/residential?

Rachel Jones

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Hello -

Am a photographer relocating to a new city, and looking for a place to live and a place to work. Have found a very cute space for RENT that is Use Class E, and am wondering if it's unreasonable to ask if it might be ok to seek the right approval to live on the top floor and work on the bottom floor? The top floor has a kitchen and bathroom. It's terraced, but some buildings in the same area have been approved for residential use. Not sure how to approach this with the agent/owner. Is this an uncommon request? Not sure what even would be the correct approval to seek...

Thanks for any help!


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@Rachel Jones thanks for the message.

Actually I think you ought to be able to use Class G of Part 3 to create the flat above.

This allows for one or two flats above Use Class E.

As long as you meet minimum space standards of 37 sq m (1 bed, 1 person) and can have natural light to the bedroom and lounge area you should be okay.

If you need any assistance with this 56 day prior approval, please request a fee proposal from us. 


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