I know the 'old' Class Q like the back of my hand, but I am struggling to interpret some parts of the new legislation, specifically the implications of the new date and the use of the building.
Is anyone able to confirm whether the new legislation allows for a barn to change use in the following situations:
1. The barn was originally a piggery, but the associated farm was disbanded in, say 2005, and the barn has been empty since?
2. As above, but the barn has since been used to store domestic items and as an occasional party barn?
3. As above, but the farm is still operational and the barn empty?
If I am reading the new legislation correctly, I do not think anything has changed between this and the old legislation in practice. It was always interpreted in my area (East Anglia) as allowing a barn to change use providing its last use was agriculture, and it has not changed use since then (regardless of whether there is still a farm in operation or not).
Any advice would be most welcome!