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Everything posted by Jacaroo

  1. Hi everyone, I'm trying to determine the use class of a (disused) private members club. Unsure of use class. E, F2 or Sui generis? Private members clubs are able to sell alcoholic drinks to their members using the provisions of a Clubs Premises Certificate. This specific private members club was also rented our for community events and birthday parties, wakes etc. Descriptions and arguments for all three of the above use classes: Class E Commercial, Business and Service Use, or part use, for all or any of the following purposes: a) Shop other than for the sale of hot food b) Food and drink which is mostly consumed on the premises c) the following kinds of services principally to visiting members of the public i. financial services ii. professional services (other than medical services) iii. any other services which it is appropriate to provide in a commercial, business or service locality d) Indoor sport and recreation (not swimming pools, ice rinks or motorised vehicles or firearms) e) Medical services not attached to the residence of the practitioner f) Non-residential creche, day centre or nursery g) i) office ii) the research and development of products or processes or iii) any industrial process, (which can be carried out in any residential area without causing detriment to the amenity of the area A Private Members Club has the element of sale food and drink which is mostly consumed on premises along with the element of indoor recreation. Enough for a Class E designation? Class F2 Local Community Uses a) A shop of not more than 280 square metres, mostly selling essential goods, including food, where there is no other such facility within 1000 metre radius of the shop’s location b) Community halls and meeting places c) Outdoor sport or recreation (not involving motorised vehicles or firearms) d) Swimming pool or ice skating rink. Is a Private Members Club a 'Community hall and meeting place' ? Private Members Clubs by definition are only open to members and not the community at large. The Class F2 Local Community Use says nothing about the preparation and serving of food and alcoholic drinks Sui generis Uses which do not fall within the specified use classes above, including those specifically identified in Article 3(6) of The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987: (a) theatre, (b) amusement arcade or centre, or a funfair, (c) launderette, (d) petrol filling station, (e) sale or display for sale of motor vehicles, (f) taxi business or business for the hire of motor vehicles, (g) as a scrapyard, or a yard for the storage or distribution of minerals or the breaking of motor vehicles (h) for any work registrable under the Alkali, etc. Works Regulation Act 1906, (i) hostel, (j) waste disposal installation, (k) retail warehouse club, (l) nightclub, (m) casino, (n) betting office, (o) pay day loan shop, (p) public house, wine bar, or drinking establishment, (q) drinking establishment with expanded food provision, (r) hot food takeaway, (s) live music performance venue, (t) cinema, (u) concert hall, (v) bingo hall, (x) dance hall Can a Private Members Club be considered a drinking establishment with expanded food provision? A bingo hall and dance hall? Pubs or drinking establishments which used to classed A4 are now classed Sui generis. Thanks!
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