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Michael Orridge

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  1. Good Morning All, Recently we were made aware by a LPA after they sought legal advice that they did not consider that you could include two buildings in a single Prior Approval application. Having been involved in Class Q applications for 10 years I was surprised by this, having seen a good few applications and been involved with a few that sought to convert two buildings within the same application on the same agricultural unit. Having read the legislation for (outgoing and latest) Class Q I note the title refers to the plural (buildings) but the permitted development description of Qa Qb & Qc refers to the singular (building). Further to this the exclusions of Q1 and conditions of Q2 it is clear that the permitted development refers to the singular. However we had, rightly or wrongly, assumed that Paragraph W does not explicitly prevent a Prior Approval application for more than one building. The application form includes the pluralisation in its title and as part of the eligibility questions. This was apparent on both the old and new application form. Has anyone else come across this issue before? Many thanks Michael
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