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Rosi Wills

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  1. Hi, I've put in a prior approval request for a temporary campsite due to it being in Flood zone 2, flood risk assessment and site plan included. I've had a quick reply (🤯) from the planning authority and all it says is 'Local Planning Authority (LPA) has no comments to make in respect of the proposed works and the information has been added to the LPA's records.' It doesn't explicitly say approved, conditions discharged, consent obtained or anything to that effect so... Am I good to go? Or is this an initial acknowledgement formality and they could come back within 56 days with some kind of decision? Thanks for any help you can give
  2. What can you use for secure storage on a piece of land with no buildings on it? I'm looking at a piece of land under 5 hectares, not in AONB, SSSI, National Park etc and I'd be living off site. I'd want to have a shed or shipping container or similar to keep tools etc there and be able to lock up and leave whilst not there. I've found that there's no permitted development unless in the curtilage of a dwelling which obviously doesn't apply. The land is overlooked so no chance of just putting something in and hoping nobody notices. What are my options? Are temporary structures allowed without needing to be moved off the land periodically (I wouldn't have anywhere else to put it in the meantime) and are there size constraints? Will full planning permission be necessary? Or is there something else in between that could apply? Thanks in advance
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