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Dak Slater

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Everything posted by Dak Slater

  1. Hi there I have a friend who owns his own land and is currently using it under the 28 days rule for his activities. He said i can use 4 acres of his land, to run my activities. First off both activities are entirely different and you can disguise this. second the land isn't the same piece of land and a separate piece of land, albeit they are just a short distance away from each other, i will put mine tape up to create a boundary. My Main Question, can we both run our activities and have 28 days each? Each activity is ran on different weekends too. ANY Help would be most appreciated, Thanks In Advance
  2. Hi all. if possible could someone help clarify this for me, i have a head of terms for 8 acres of Agricultural land, which i would like to turn into a paintball field, structures will be made from pallets and wood, no doors or windows or roof, just a shell of a building so to speak, under Schedule 2 Part Temporary buildings and uses: Class B – temporary use of land (28 DAYS Rule) interpretation B (Permitted Development) section B3 states "War Games" means enacted, mock, or imaginary battle conducted with weapons which are designed not to injure. My Question, Class B the USE OF ANY land for ANY purpose for not more than 28 days in total in a calendar year. I can crack on with this project as i'll only run 24 games a year (2 a month) build as seen above which are temporary structures, and falls inline with legislation law as written in this post. Can anyone help meaning, that the paintball field is in the legislation law and fails into the remit of this. Any advice and guidance would be very grateful (i have spoke to the local council and they said as long as i believe it falls in the legislation then i'm under no obligation to tell them about it. However, when i said can you confirm it is, as a question, they just said complete a Lawful Development Certificate, which was then followed up with, this just makes it Formal and as i'm not obligated to tell them then this is classed as informal.
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