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Ian Walmsley

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Ian Walmsley last won the day on January 7 2024

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  1. If prior approval is required for the permitted development, then often contamination will be taken into account if the planning officer decides based on the previous land use. Therefore a contamination report would be required. If you need any further assistance with this opportunity, please reach out to us via
  2. It doesn't sound like it complies with permitted development as it isn't all within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse. Therefore would require retrospective planning permission or potentially removal. Your only option is to enquire with the enforcement team at the local authority. They can enforce the situation if necessary.
  3. This will need retrospective planning permission. I would strongly advise using a planning consultant to assist you. We can do this for you. Please kindly complete the form at and we will revert with a fee proposal asap. Happy to help
  4. Apologies for the delay. We had an error here. Yes planning will be required. if you need assistance with this, please reach out via
  5. sorry for the delay. You can convert the two to C3 under Class MA, but this would then require planning to go to C4. Personally I would probably look to convert straight to an HMO, either as one larger Sui Generis HMO, or two. I would recommend using a planning consultant for this. If you or your client needs help, please reach out via
  6. It must be on your land. There isn't any required distance as far as planning is concerned.
  7. I suspect not, but for the confirmed answer I would recommend speaking to building control.
  8. The height would still be limited to 2.5m if within 2m of the boundary. The rules do not care as to who the other owner is etc., as they look at both current and future owners etc. All the limits can be found at
  9. Hi, That would depend upon the main use normally. If the main reason is to go to play snooker for most, then it is fine. If however, the snooker declines and people go to drink, then the use may have altered to Sui Generis.
  10. I have never heard of a CIL payment being due like this. But then again I haven't searched for it either. You might get someone who knows via our Facebook group - If I find anything I will let you know.
  11. Hi, Two routes. Either you could repair it bit by bit - once removed it has gone. The alternative is to get a certificate of lawfulness, then to seek planning to replace it. I would like to think you have a good chance. If you would like any asisstance with the applications, please complete our quote form at
  12. Sorry for the delay in approving. We have an issue with the software. A private members club would normally be Sui Generis.
  13. Sorry for the delay in approving. We have an issue with the software. if the property is F1, it would need a change of planning to go to E. We can assist you with this. I would not recommend speaking with the local authority.
  14. The natural ground level where you erect the fence. So your garden.
  15. Hi, I can confirm that this is Sui Generis. I have added it to our directory here.
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